Musab Hussain

Software Developer | Writer | Lifelong Learner | Solopreneur

© Musab Hussain. All rights reserved.


Hi! I'm Musab. A software developer, creator, knowledge-seeker, and solo entrepreneur. Every role builds on the next, making me who I am.My journey into software development started back in 2022 because I was really curious about how all the cool tech in our lives actually works.I decided to jump right in with a 3-month coding bootcamp at Northcoders, and it's been a non-stop adventure of learning and growing since then. I've been pushing myself to get better at programming, facing challenges head-on, and growing not just as a developer, but as a person too.I love writing. It's my way of digging deeper into tech topics but also exploring all sorts of other interesting topics.As a solopreneur I'm utilising my software knowledge and skills to build micro-ventures that solve specific needs.


All my projects, past, present and in progress.

Google Keep to Notion IntegrationAutomated ScriptWork in Progress-----
To-Do Web AppWeb AppWork in Progress-----
